Inout Parameters in Swift: A Complete Guide (Examples)

In Swift, inout parameters allow you to change an input passed into a function.

For instance, let’s create a function that changes the original value of a number variable:

func change(_ number: inout Int){
    number = 2

var number = 1


In this guide, you learn why inout parameters are needed in Swift and how they work.

Swift Function Parameters Cannot Be Changed

In Swift, changing the value of a parameter passed into a function is not possible. This is because a function argument is a constant, and constants cannot be modified.

For example:

func change(_ number: Int){
    number = 2

var number = 1


This results in an error:

main.swift:6:5: error: cannot assign to value: 'number' is a 'let' constant

This error says exactly what I told you above. You cannot modify a constant.

However, oftentimes it can be useful if you can change the parameter passed into a function.

As it turns out, this is possible by using inout parameters in Swift.

Inout Parameters in Swift

An inout parameter is a special type of parameter that can be modified inside a function and the changes apply outside the function.

Here is an illustration of a function that takes a number A as an inout parameter and modifies it:

Inout parameters modify a variable directly instead of a copy of it.

To turn a function parameter into an inout variable that can be changed inside a function:

  1. Change the parameter to an inout parameter using the inout keyword modifier.
  2. Use & when passing an argument into the function call.


For instance, let’s write a function that takes an argument that gets updated in the function:

func change(_ number: inout Int){
    number = 2

var number = 1




As you can see, we change the number input inside the function, but the change is visible outside the function as well.


Swift inout parameter is a parameter that can be changed inside the function where it’s passed into.

  • To accept inout parameters, use the inout keyword in front of an argument.
  • To pass a variable as an inout parameter, use the & operator in front of the parameter.

Thanks for reading. Happy coding!

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